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Dead Mans Hand
piercing Aftercare
General And Oral Aftercare
Always wash your hands before touching a fresh piercing.
Run warm water over the piercing and jewelry in the shower to soften any crusties (scab like substance). Do NOT pick the crusties off!!
Do NOT rotate or move the jewelry until it is fully healed.
SEA SALT SOLUTION is what is recommended on fresh piercings and is mixed with 1/8TH OF A TEASPOON TO 1 CUP WARM WATER. Sea salt can be used immediately after getting the piercing as a means of further removing bacteria from the inside of the piercing.
NEVER leave your solution in a washroom with no lid on it due to the bacteria of your toilet being flushed. The first time cleaning it make sure you soak the piercing for ten minutes.
Avoid swimming in fresh, salt or chlorinated water and minimize exposer to the sun for at least 2-6 weeks, which includes bath tubs, hot tubs, swimming pools, and DO NOT
immerse piercing in ANY standing body of water.
DO NOT use alcohol, peroxide, or ANY cleaners or chemicals.
NO sexual contact with the pierced area, or jewelry this includes oral contact.
DO NOT apply any make up near a pierced area and be cautious about shampoo suds getting into your piercing. Make sure you clean it right after a shower or washing your face.
You may need to come back for a downsizing but your piercing CANNOT be changed till it is FULLY healed.
General Aftercare
Clean the piercing 3 times a day for as long as the piercing is healing and or still discharging.
There will be a natural discharge that happens 3-7 days after getting the piercing. please DO NOT pick at the discharge it can cause problems with healing, crusties will come off with CLEANING the pierced area.
Chamomile Tea Bags are also a great healer as they draw out foreign matter and any bacteria. Boil water and let it cool off, dip the tea bag in and check on the inside of your wrist as long as it isn't to hot for your wrist you will not burn your piercing.
Tongue Piercing
Rinse mouth with 1\2 alcohol free mouth wash and 1\2 water. You MUST rinse after everything that goes in your mouth other then water!!
Avoid alcohol as well as yeast and yogurt. Dairy WILL cause thrush is you do not rinse after eating or drinking dairy products.
Avoid open mouth kissing and oral sex for at LEAST 2 weeks as it can lead to a nasty infection as well as it may cause STI'S or STD'S as your piercing IS an open wound.
Swelling is very common and can be helped with Advil or aleve as they're anti-inflammatory. Slurpee's and ice cubes can also help with swelling, but NO NOT suck on them. Pineapple Juice is also very good for tongue piercing's because they're a natural anti-inflammatory.
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